Jai Shri Mataji & Welcome to the show from Yogis for Yogis!​


Season 4 Final Episode on the 31st May

đź’šđź“şQuiz, Sahaj news, music clips, interview, and more đź“şđź’š

Join us every month

8pm Cabella time 
on FB / Youtube


Be a part!

We encourage all yoginis and yogis of all ages to contribute their artistic acts and items, miracle or funny stories, interviews, local news from all over the sahaj world to share with our sisters and brothers. Best are clips with a length of 4-7 minutes. If they are very much longer we might need to shorten them a bit. If you have any questions regarding clip creation, please contact us!

Already have your clip on YouTube?
Let us know with the form below!

Born out of the 2020 Shri Adi Shakti Puja Evening Program, a small group of Yogis had the desire to bring an independent Sahaj monthly evening program for the joy of the collectives of the world.

In this live program we share items from all over the world, such as:

•  Art performances  •
•  Showcasing creations of the fine art and spiritual publications  •
•  Interviews – science/artists/special memories with Mother/miracle stories  •
•  Interactive Family games   •
•  News from all over the Sahaj world  •